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New OFTP2 feature optimises partner details management

06 Feb 2023

OFTP2 offers many security features including TLS session authentication, file encryption and signing as well as signed end-to-end responses. These features can be selected individually allowing users to configure the security settings of their OFTP2 implementation according to their individual needs.

To assist user companies, large and small, to optimise their use of the different security configurations offered by OFTP2, the OFTP2 Expert Group has developed a new functionality – OFTP2 Partner Details Exchange using XML - to help simplify the management of partner master data, including the setting up and maintenance of connections, as well as the exchange of certificates.

The solution devised by the Group is an XML schema which acts as a digital OFTP2 data sheet, containing all the information required to set up (or update) an OFTP2 connection. This file can be distributed to partners via various means (e-mail, website download, OFTP, etc.) and can be imported by the partner into any compliant OFTP2 software to set up or modify the connection without any additional manual input.

OFTP2 Solutions

In order to remain compliant with the minimum requirements established by the OFTP2 Expert Group, OFTP2 solutions on the market must have the ability to receive and process OFTP2 XML data sheets. The ability to create and send data sheets remains optional and is subject to the product policy of individual software vendors.

Different levels of the functionality have already been incorporated in several OFTP2 solutions to allow interoperability tests to be carried out. These tests will be completed in April and the list of OFTP2 software will be updated to show the level of implementation for each solution.

The feature will then be deployed gradually in new releases of OFTP2 software solutions. Users should contact their vendor for more details.

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