Odette File Transfer Protocol v2
Specifically designed for secure data exchange between partners in the automotive industry

OFTP2 is tailored to the specific communications requirements of automotive industry stakeholders who operate globally and require a file transfer solution which allows them to exchange data securely with partners and subsidiaries across the world.
OFTP2 is the most widely used protocol for the exchange of mission critical automotive data over the public internet. It provides flawless and secure transmission between organisations, ensuring that confidential and sensitive information is transmitted quickly and in complete safety.
OFTP2 offers many features enabling the reliable transmission of all types of data, such as large CAD files or smaller EDI transmissions of commercial data.
OFTP2 features at a glance
OFTP2 offers many features that other transmission protocols do not provide. These include:
- File resuming: After an abort, the transmission of a file can restart at the last transfer position.
- Security: OFTP2 offers many security options other protocols don't provide. In addition to session encryption (SSL/TLS), the protocol offers a secure bidirectional authentication option, file encryption & signing, an integrated compression method and signed end-to-end responses.
- File size: Transmitted files can have a maximum file size of 88 PetaBytes (PB).
- End-to-end response: The receiver of a file sends a notification to the sender (possibly asynchronously) to indicate that the file has been received completely.
- File addressing: Target and originator IDs indicate from whom and to who the file is being transmitted.
- Batch mode: OFTP2 is designed to work in a fully unmoderated and automated environment.
- Bidirectional communication support: Both endpoints can send and receive files and other information in the same session. This way, you can minimize transfer costs or check if files or information are ready for collection.
- Backward compatibility: OFTP2 has been designed to be backward compatible with OFTP1, so you are able to communicate with partners who are still on OFTP1
The OFTP2 specification was developed, and is continually maintained, by the Odette OFTP2 Experts Group, which brings together the best communication and security experts in the industry.
OFTP2 software solutions are tested on a regular basis for their adherence to the Odette specification and their ability to interoperate with all other Odette tested OFTP2 solutions.
OFTP2 solutions are available from Odette trusted partners throughout the world.
Trusted Performance
OFTP2 has been selected by thousands of companies for global secure data exchange and is implemented by the majority of automotive OEMs including Audi, BMW, Daimler, Ford, Hyundai, MAN, Scania, Skoda, Stellantis, Volkswagen and Volvo along with most large Tier 1 suppliers.
Orange ends ENX service in France: Odette has the solution
06 Dec 2024
Orange Business Services, certified provider of European Network Exchange (ENX) services to many companies in France, has announced that their service will shortly be discontinued. This means that many users will be searching for an alternative solution in good time to ensure that there is no disruption to their EDI exchanges. The Odette file transfer protocol OFTP2 offers a cost effective and reliable alternative solution tailored to the needs of automotive companies of all sizes.
Odette2025 Conference details announced
25 Jun 2024
Preparations for the 23rd Odette International Conference and Exhibition are now underway so make sure that you block 26/27 May 2025 in your calendar for this must-attend event in Bratislava.
Exchange of OFTP2 Partner master data made easy
17 Jun 2024
The OFTP2 functionality – Partner Details Exchange via XML (PDX XML) – has been developed to simplify the management of partner master data. The feature has already been implemented in several OFTP2 solutions and is currently being deployed in the OFTP2 user community but in the meantime, Odette has developed the PDX XML Generator to help those whose OFTP2 solution does not yet support the feature or those who have not yet upgraded to the latest version.
Get started
OFTP2 is easy to deploy and companies can quickly establish secure data exchange over the internet with both customers and suppliers by installing software from service providers who have undergone rigorous Odette OFTP2 software testing.
To begin using OFTP2, your organisation will require:
- An OFTP2 software from an Odette trusted provider
- An OFTP station identifier (aka Odette ID)
- A digital certificate from a Certification Authority (CA) listed on the Odette Trust Service Status List (TSL)
Odette maintains the OFTP2 specification but we do not develop or sell OFTP2 software, we leave this to our technology providers. We do, however, regularly test their OFTP2 products to ensure that they respect the Odette specification and can interoperate seamlessly with each other.
Find Software
To ensure that OFTP2 software products fully meet the OFTP2 specification (RFC5024) and can communicate successfully with each other, they must pass Odette interoperability tests on a regular basis. All originally listed products were tested again in 2020 and our OFTP2 software register lists only those products which have successfully passed the latest tests.
This helps automotive companies to select a solution which ensures:
- Secure handling of confidential transmissions
- Management of files of various format and size
- Use of digital signature, compression and encryption
The register is provided without liability and only the OFTP2 features of the products listed have been tested by Odette.
Latest OFTP2 feature: Partner Details Exchange using XML (PDX via XML)
To assist user companies to optimise their use of the security configurations offered by OFTP2, a new feature – Partner Details Exchange via XML - is available to simplify the management of OFTP2 partner master data, including the setting up and maintenance of connections, as well as the exchange of certificates.
The feature involves an XML schema containing the information required to set up (or update) an OFTP2 connection. The file is delivered directly from the OFTP2 software of the sending party to the OFTP2 software of the receiving party to set up or modify the connection without additional manual input.
The implementation of the feature differs between OFTP2 solutions and the register is split into 3 groups according to the level of implementation.
Group 1: full capability - send and receive.
Group 2: restricted capability - receive only
Group 3: do not yet support
PDX XML Generator
The OFTP2 functionality – Partner Details Exchange via XML (PDX XML) – has been developed to simplify the management of partner master data. The functionality involves an XML schema file which acts as a digital OFTP2 data sheet containing the information required to set up/update an OFTP2 connection, including the associated digital certificate which can be extracted from the file.
According to the PDX XML capability of the partners OFTP2 solution, the file is normally delivered directly from the OFTP2 installation of the sending party to the OFTP2 installation of the receiving party to set up/update the connection without additional manual input.
The PDX XML feature has already been implemented by several OFTP2 solution providers and is currently under deployment within the customer base.
In the meantime, Odette has worked with c-works GmbH to develop a tool that offers users, who have not upgraded to PDX XML capable software, a bridge between solutions with full PDX XML capability and those without - the Odette PDX XML Generator.
This online tool, available free of charge, allows users to generate and view an OFTP2 data sheet in the correct standard format which can then be distributed to partners via various means (e-mail, website download, OFTP, etc.) and can be imported into any PDX XML capable OFTP2 software without additional manual input.
Note: Data sheets generated with the tool are stored on the users local machine only. They are not stored centrally by Odette.

Odette OFTP2 Partner Details Exchange via XML Generator
OFTP2 PDX XML Generator
Online tool developed to simplify the management of partner master data.
Acts as a bridge between solutions with full PDX XML capability and those without by allowing users to generate or view PDX XML data sheet in the correct standard format.
Data sheets generated with the tool are stored on the users local machine only. They are not stored centrally by Odette.
Available to use free of charge.
Software Testing Service for Solution Providers
Odette tests OFTP2 software products against established Test Cases to ensure that the software complies with the OFTP2 specification (RFC5024) and inter-operates successfully with reference implementations of OFTP2.
Providers: why you should get your product tested
Benefits of having your software tested include:
Additional visibility
Providers are listed on the Odette website as suppliers of tested OFTP2 software.
New commercial leads
Potential customers can directly request further information from providers of listed software.
Continued support
All providers of tested software are invited to participate in the Odette OFTP2 Expert Group and learn first-hand about new developments.Added credibility
Customers know that products which have passed the Odette Software Interoperability Test will have a high standard of OFTP2 performance.Improved performance and stability
Odette’s expert testers can help software developers identify glitches and troubleshoot issues in OFTP2 tested software.

Security Features to consider when developing APIs
Provides guidelines on how to address security features when developing and implementing APIs. It is not intended as a complete and detailed catalogue of measures but should give interested pares hints and best pracce recommendaons on this topic.

OFTP2 Implementation Guideline
The ODETTE File Transfer Protocol 2 (OFTP2) has become one of the most widely used and trusted protocols for secure information exchange over the internet.
This publication contains comprehensive technical guidelines on implementing and operating OFTP2, including use of digital certificates, archiving and integrating into existing IT infrastructures.
Developer guidelines are included for software vendors who wish to add OFTP2 functionality to their products.
Also includes Recommendation for OFTP2 Partner Data Exchange using XML.
(corrections 2024-02)

OFTP2 Interoperability Testing Service
Test Cases
Odette tests OFTP2 software products against established Test Cases to ensure that the software complies with the OFTP2 specification (RFC5024) and inter-operates successfully with reference implementations of OFTP2.
This document describes the tests that an OFTP2 software must successfully pass in order to obtain the certificate of "OFTP2 Tested Software" from Odette.
Includes OFTP2 Partner Data XML Exchange - Functionality Tests

Security Certificate Exchange (SCX)
This publication details Odette recommendations on establishing trust between business partners by enabling the automated exchange and renewal of digital Security Certificates and the use of a Trust Service Status List (TSL). These recommendations cover processes, interfaces and protocols for certificate exchange, trust and verification and for achieving the security levels required by business partners for data exchange processes in their commercial and product development relationships.

Security and Risk Reduction (S2R)
This publication defines common security policies, measures and techniques to be implemented between partners with regards to security certificate use. The recommendations cover roles and responsibilities, common risk schema and classification of data, basic security requirements, password policies and data privacy considerations for business partners across the supply chain.

Odette OFTP2 Partner Details Exchange via XML Generator
OFTP2 PDX XML Generator
Online tool developed to simplify the management of partner master data.
Acts as a bridge between solutions with full PDX XML capability and those without by allowing users to generate or view PDX XML data sheet in the correct standard format.
Data sheets generated with the tool are stored on the users local machine only. They are not stored centrally by Odette.
Available to use free of charge.