The next step in digitalising the Automotive Supply Chain: the Part Packaging Agreement
10 Jan 2023
The Odette Best Practice Recommendation ‘Packaging Management Guidelines (LG14)’, published in 2017, defined the essential preconditions for an effective packaging management system including the use of digital messaging in the ordering and delivery of empty packaging, accurate recording of packaging master data and robust part packaging agreements between customers and suppliers.
Standard digital messages (OM30 to OM42) covering all aspects of the supply of empty packaging were subsequently published in 2020 and now this latest Odette recommendation ‘Digitalising the Part Packaging Agreement (LG19)’ addresses the issues of packaging master data and packaging agreements including:
- • Returnable packaging, disposable packaging, packaging aids and accessories
• Packaging of production parts, components, raw materials, assemblies
• Packaging of aftermarket and service parts
- The recommendation also includes standard XML messages to support electronic exchange of Packaging Master Data and Part Packaging Data Sheets between customers, suppliers and service providers enabling the automatic integration of the data into ERPs and other Packaging Management systems and taking another step towards a fully digital automotive supply chain.
Download LG19 free of charge