Labels for Finished Vehicle Logistics
In the Finished Vehicle distribution process, LSPs are expected to identify individual vehicles by the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) which is printed on a label and attached to the vehicle by the OEM after it leaves the production line.
Unfortunately, the job of the LSP is made particularly difficult by the fact that the quality of these VIN labels can vary significantly depending not only on the OEM involved but also on which plant of the OEM has produced the vehicle. The VIN is usually printed in both human-readable and barcode format, the latter allowing the LSP to use scanners to speed up their activities, but these vital barcodes often appear in different places on the labels or are mixed in with other bar-coded information making the job of scanning that much more difficult.
This difficulty is compounded by the fact that the label is often attached in a different location on the vehicle, again depending on the OEM or OEM plant involved.
An ECG project to establish and recommend an optimum position for the label to be attached to the vehicle was successfully concluded in 2020. The current joint project between Odette and ECG aims to standardise the content and position of the information on the label and to make recommendations concerning the quality and durability of the label itself and the way it is fixed to the vehicle.
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