Providing standards, tools and services
for the automotive supply chain

2024 News

July 2024

Odette and AI

AI mania has infected virtually everyone in the past 18 months and will surely continue to do so for the foreseeable future. It certainly has the potential to take over many of our administrative tasks but what will be its impact on supply chain operations? We have seen other technologies looking for a problem to solve, come and go, but this one seems here to stay and Odette has also embarked on the AI journey.

June 2024

Preparing for EU ViDA

The EU ViDA legislation is fast approaching and the non-alignment of the proposed legislation with current automotive industry practices would undoubtedly generate significant costs for all actors of the automotive supply chain. Odette is therefore working with CEN (European Committee for Standardisation) to integrate automotive requirements in the legislation and to protect 40 years of successful experience with B2B invoicing via EDI.

Preparing for eFTI

The electronic Freight Transport Information (eFTI) Regulation is a significant contributor to the tsunami of regulations currently hitting or approaching the automotive supply chain. It is essential that automotive processes are taken into account in the implementation of the regulation in order to minimise disruption and avoid additional cost. Odette is on hand to ensure that the regulation can be implemented as smoothly as possible by our member companies.

Serious Message for Senior Management

Automotive Supply Chain operations are about to be significantly impacted by a tsunami of EU regulations and it will require action at senior management level to both prepare their companies for the new regulations and lobby for changes in the legislation to mitigate the most onerous effects.

Making sense of the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulations

Since we last reported on the PPWR in February, we have been working with our members to try to make sense of the upcoming challenges so that the industry can develop solutions in time to support the new regulations. At the same time we are attempting to influence the law makers to modify certain aspects of the current draft legislation to make it more easily applicable to automotive packaging practices.

OEM feedback leads to revised VIN label standard

In 2022, Odette and ECG (Association of European Vehicle Logistics) worked together with OEMs and Finished Vehicle LSPs, to establish a standard for the content, design, location and quality of vehicle distribution labels, aka VIN labels. Twelve months later, feedback from OEMs concerning their implementation plans has resulted in some revisions to the standard.

Odette launches Interest Group in CEE

Odette is launching an Odette CEE Interest Group that will bring together a network of supply chain professionals and technology experts to contribute to the development of digital supply chain standards and to support their implementation in CEE countries.

Odette2025 Conference details announced

Preparations for the 23rd Odette International Conference and Exhibition are now underway so make sure that you block 26/27 May 2025 in your calendar for this must-attend event in Bratislava.

MMOG submission deadline fast approaching

Several large automotive customers set a deadline of 31 July for the annual submission of MMOG assessments and, as usual, the Odette Team is on hand to help you to meet the deadline.

Exchange of OFTP2 Partner master data made easy

The OFTP2 functionality – Partner Details Exchange via XML (PDX XML) – has been developed to simplify the management of partner master data. The feature has already been implemented in several OFTP2 solutions and is currently being deployed in the OFTP2 user community but in the meantime, Odette has developed the PDX XML Generator to help those whose OFTP2 solution does not yet support the feature or those who have not yet upgraded to the latest version.

February 2024

Odette working to safeguard decades of automotive investment in e-invoicing

After 40 years of successful experience with electronic invoicing via EDI (mainly using EDIFACT standards), the automotive industry in Europe is approaching a critical juncture with the advent of the EU ViDA Directive.

Automotive Packaging: Facing up to the challenge of environmental legislation

The Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulations (PPWR) currently being prepared by the EU are clearly aimed at consumer packaging, in terms of both reducing waste and reducing the amount of plastic content, but the legislation will also have a significant impact on automotive packaging and with deadlines fast approaching, companies in the automotive supply chain need to act now!

Odette working with ECG and VDA to develop digital messages for supply chain emissions reporting

The urgency for more sustainable and environmentally conscious automotive logistics practices has led ECG and VDA to work together to develop an Emissions Calculation and Reporting Guideline for automotive supply chains.