Providing standards, tools and services
for the automotive supply chain

Technologies news

Fast track updates speed FVL digitalisation for German automakers

06 Jan 2023

Odette continues to support European vehicle manufacturers as they start to implement the standard digital messages developed by Odette, ECG and VDA to support communication across all Finished Vehicle Logistics processes.

BMW and VW are now well advanced in the introduction of the messages with their FV LSP partners

EDI Implementers: Read on!

01 Apr 2022

Prior to 2022, all JAIF and Odette messages were developed according to Version 3 of ISO 9735 “EDIFACT Application Level Syntax Rules” but from April 2022, the only valid version of ISO 9735 will be Version 4 and all UN/EDIFACT based messages must conform to this version.

Digital standard for Proof of Origin declarations

01 Dec 2021

Proof of origin declarations are made by suppliers to provide customers with the information needed to prove their eligibility for preferential rates of duty when exporting their goods to other countries. Although there is a standard format for such declarations there has been no standard way of transmitting the information. Until now.

Publication: Automotive Supply Chain API for Transport T & T

30 Sept 2021

In the drive to further digitalisation of automotive supply chain processes, the use of APIs to complement traditional EDI messages is taking hold and the inbound transport process is a perfect candidate for the introduction of APIs to bridge the current digital gaps.

Publication: Implementing RFID in the automotive supply chain

30 Sept 2021

Advances in RFID technology have led to increasing requirements for its use appearing in RFQs from automotive customers. It was therefore time to look at developing further recommendations to achieve successful RFID interoperability between partners.

Standardised exchange of Automotive SCM KPIs

07 Jul 2021

The joint Odette/AIAG recommendation Key Performance Indicators for Automotive Supply Chain Management (LK03) insists that reports on the accuracy of deliveries and alerts concerning deviations from the logistics agreement must be communicated by the customer to the supplier immediately after each delivery or each deviation.

The Transport Status Report Message

01 Jul 2021

This digital message is used to report the progress of a means of transport and/or its contents during a journey, either at regular intervals or at the completion of particular events en-route.

RFID standards for global automotive updated

01 Mar 2021

Lack of Interoperability is a major obstacle to the wider deployment of RFID technology throughout the automotive supply chain. To overcome this obstacle, the JAIF* developed two major standards covering the use of RFID to identify parts and vehicles and the use of RFID to identify containers.

Is your OFTP2 software up to date?

01 Feb 2021

The OFTP2 protocol is constantly reviewed and updated by the Odette OFTP2 Experts Group, and the majority of OFTP2 solutions on the market have recently been re-tested to ensure, new features have been implemented correctly.

Apps aid collaboration between automotive and logistics

16 Sept 2020

Every day, companies in the automotive industry must deal with trucks which arrive at their factories to deliver parts or collect finished products.