The OFTP2 protocol is constantly reviewed and updated by the Odette OFTP2 Experts Group, and the majority of OFTP2 solutions on the market have recently been re-tested to ensure, new features have been implemented correctly.
All supply chain professionals know that the efficient management of packaging is essential for the timely movement of parts through the supply chain and the maintenance of quality in the storage and distribution process.
Auto-Id technologies provide a reliable means to identify and track items as they move through the supply chain, providing the visibility that all professional practitioners seek. While some automotive manufacturers investigate the capabilities of other technologies, RFID still tops the list as the favoured technology, assisted by a considerable decrease in the cost of the associated hardware over the past decade.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are much more than just the numbers you report regularly. They are essential tools helping you to understand the performance of your business allowing you to take action and make critical adjustments to achieve your strategic objectives.